Гонконг — Москва/ С-Петербург всего за HK$1900!
Спонсор Русского клуба в Гонконге компания ATC Air Service Limited предлагает специальные тарифы Гонконг-Москва и Санкт-Петербург — всего HK$1,900!
Правила тарифа:
Bookings can only be made between 1300 on 03Oct to 09Oct.
1. Travel on SU flights only.
2. Fare is valid for round trip transportation HKG/MOW or LED/HKG.
4. Tickets have to be issued within 24 hours after bookings are made.
5. Valid for travel from10 October, 2011 to 20 April, 2012.
6. Last sector of the whole journey must be completed on or before 26 April, 2012.
8. Blackout dates — 04 to 08 November, 2011 inclusive
23 December 2011 to 10 January, 2012 inclusive
9. Changes of travel dates are not permitted.
10. Tickets are non-re-routable, non-endorsable and non-refundable
11. Upgrade this fare for higher class travel is NOT permitted.
12. No Child / Infant fares
13. The fare is in Hong Kong Dollars and has not included taxes and fuel surcharges.
Телефоны для справок: 2537 2637, 2537 2620